Air Conditioner Components


Commercial cooling desires are clearly growing throughout the world. Air conditioning was once measured as a luxury and is now more of a necessity. Reputed and expert manufacturers have played a good part in making units more reasonably priced. They have increased their competence and improved technology as well as commercial air conditioner accessories. The increase in the competitiveness of the industry has simply produced more and more superior products.

These appliances differ significantly in size. They obtain their energy from several different sources. The attractiveness of commercial air conditioners has augmented dramatically with the arrival of central air. The strategy utilises ducting for both cooling and heating. Air conditioning systems with a heat pump is a central air conditioning as well as heating system. In one of the modes, it performs the conditioning function. In the turn round mode, it becomes a heater.

The commercial variants, almost every one of them, have altered a lot as energy costs continued to rise and power sources continued to change and get better. Let us look at the air conditioner components.

A) Outdoor Components

1. Condenser Coil – stays outdoor

Condenser coils are a system of tubes filled with the refrigerant. The function is to eliminate heat from the hot gas refrigerant and change the refrigerant into a fluid form. The surplus heat rises into the outside air, therefore making the condenser coil an outdoor air conditioner component.

2. Compressor – stays outdoors

A compressor is clearly the heart of the air conditioning system. This component of the system circulates the refrigerant in an enclosed loop between the evaporator and condenser coils. You can get compressors in more than one variety. There are scroll type and reciprocating ones. Scroll type compressors can be costlier but are generally elevated in efficiency and less noisy than reciprocating compressors.

3. Fan – stays outdoors

This air conditioner component takes in air through the condenser coil so that heat dispersal can take place.

B) Indoor Components

1. Evaporator coil – stays indoors

Evaporator coils are a system of tubes filled with the refrigerant. The function is to eliminate heat and moisture from the air so that the refrigerant can evaporate into a gas again.

2. Air filters – stays indoors

This element traps dust, other airborne particles as air moves throughout. This component is necessary to improve the cooling operation as well as ensure our health.

3. Air handling unit – stays indoors

This component is the blower of the central air conditioning system. It passes air through the air ducts.

You can find stocks of all the necessary air conditioner components and commercial air conditioner accessories online. These components are needed for putting together a cooling or heating system. Whether you are changing your old one or need a whole air conditioning system, the online sellers provide all major air conditioning products of different quality brands. A simple organic search will yield your stocks of the best grade air conditioner components available. You can choose your pick!


Source by Rohit Bisht

Electric Geysers Conversion of Electrical Energy Into Heat Energy


It is so relaxing to take a shower in hot water after a long days work. This is when electric geysers become useful.

Geysers work on the principle of conversion of electrical energy into heat energy by using a heating element. Cold water comes into a defined compartment, gets heated to a certain degree, by the heating element and goes out through another outlet. ISI marked geysers are preferred over local makes because they have incorporated essential safety norms.

The standard geyser is 15lt in capacity, although 1lt capacity geysers are also available. These electrical appliances have insulated body with long life heating element. There are multiple safety systems installed in geysers to avoid any kind of mishap. These geysers come with a minimum guarantee period but have quite a good life. Combistat is also fitted for maintaining temperature and to conserve energy.

Electrical Geysers are classified as per their capacity, where the starting range is one liter and extends up to 25liters, depending on the requirement of any household.

Instant Geysers are geysers which take very little time to heat water and have lesser capacity as compared to traditional geysers. Fusible plug, pressure release valve, thermal cut out and ISI approved thermostat are some of the features of instant geysers. They are good for small families because standard geysers consume more electricity to heat large quantity of water. Instant geysers are also successful in kitchens where water consumption is only for cleaning of utensils.

Geysers are also classified according to energy consumption. Some large capacity geysers consume lesser electricity, despite their higher capacity. These geysers are given ratings of 4stars and 3stars respectively. The higher number of stars denotes higher efficiency and therefore low energy consumption. Those electrical appliances should be purchased which have good ratings to save on energy and enjoy greater efficiency.

Electrical Geysers are available in different shades to go with the interiors of your bathroom and kitchen.

The trusted brands for Electrical Geysers include Bajaj and Kenstar. These are available at at good deals.


Source by Tom Lopez

The Beginner’s Guide to Traditional Archery


Why shoot traditional?

Why would you choose a simple stick bow over today’s shiny, technologically advanced compound monsters? While it is true that modern advances have made archery more beginner friendly, the traditional longbow remains potent, lighting fast, and great fun.

Modern advances have reduced the need for archers to have perfect form and complete control over their body. This translates to a sport which is more accessible and immediately fulfilling compared to the time-honed training of the past. Nonetheless, the foundations of good archery remain unchanged regardless of the make and model that you hold in your hands. Possessing the skill to shoot well with traditional bows directly translates to the ability to shoot well with modern bows. The opposite is not true; those who have relied entirely on modern gadgets to shoot often have to start fresh when using a traditional bow.

The simple longbow was the foundation of entire empires. That being said, shooting a traditional bow generates a strong sense of nostalgia for those with an interest in history. Furthermore, the traditional bow does not suffer from the „next best thing“ syndrome. You do not have to spend money on new accessories to improve, making traditional shooting an economical decision. Finally, you get bragging rights. Traditional shooting is regarded as more difficult than modern archery and can garner respect from others on the line. This is especially true if you are out-shooting modern equipment with your simple stick bow. Also, traditional bows are uncommon at most ranges and will likely get you several looks from curious archers.

If you follow the recommendations in this guide you can expect several outcomes from shooting traditional archery. First, you can expect a noticeable learning curve, even if you have shot modern equipment in the past. You will have to train your body to repeat the same motions repeatedly and you will need to get used to aiming your shots with the tip of your arrow. Next, you can expect sore fingers, even with finger protection, if you need to build up your calluses. You can expect to shoot faster than most modern archers; traditional longbows can loose as many as fifteen accurate arrows in a minute if you have honed your skills. Finally, you can expect a great sense of accomplishment as your arrows begin to move closer and closer to that bull’s eye and you know that you did not rely on any superfluous technology.

What you will need

Bow (required)

The most basic traditional bow is the longbow, also known as the stick bow. It does not have a pronounced viewing window or arrow rest protruding off of the body and is usually good for both right- and left-eye dominant shooters. These bows are typically taller than other types to increase their maximum power. You can also get a recurve bow which uses a more complicated limb design to increase release velocity without making the bow larger.

Large bow manufacturers often make recurve bows out of modern materials and these are perfectly fine to get started. You do not need to buy a hand-crafted wood bow if you do not want to. While pretty, wood does require substantially more care than composite carbon and other modern implements. If possible, ask to try the bows of some people or organizations you know to see if you prefer one style over the other. You do not need to spend a fortune on a bow when you first start out. It will be a long time before your form is good enough that your equipment becomes the limiting factor of your accuracy.

There are other, more specialized types of bows, like the Japanese longbow which requires a unique draw style and the traditional Turkish bow which uses a special thumb release. These are not covered in the scope of this article, but if they interest you please do pursue them. There are many resources available online.

Arrows (required)

Arrows are the projectile used by the bow. When you purchase the bow you can speak with the sale’s staff or the supplier about good arrow choices. You will need to discuss your draw length (determines arrow length), the poundage of your bow (determines arrow grain), shooting distances you are likely to encounter (determines vein length and tip weight), and what you intend to shoot (determines tip type: target or broad-head). As for material, the most common arrows are carbon fiber, aluminum, and wood. Traditional shooters prefer wood arrows as a generality. Note that arrows break. It is okay. Just make sure you check them before shooting them.

Finger tabs or gloves (highly, highly recommended)

Finger tabs/gloves protect your fingers from the whipping bowstring. Make sure they fit comfortably so that you can wear them for long periods and so excess materials are not interfering with your release. Bulky finger tabs can severely affect accuracy if excess material catches when the arrow is released.

Arm protection (recommended)

Many archers were a protective layer of leather or artificial materials on the inside of their bow arm to prevent the string from biting them when they release an arrow. If you use an arm guard, make sure it fits snugly and that there is not a gap between the guard and the skin near the inside of the elbow where the bow-string can get caught during a release. Proper form will minimize or remove any risk of hitting your forearm during a shoot.

Quiver/arrow stand (useful)

A dedicated place to store your arrows keeps them out of the dirt and makes you less inclined to tuck the arrows into your pocket or belt loop on the range. This keeps the arrows from either snapping/cracking or from stabbing you when you move around, so a quiver or arrow stand is beneficial.


Some targets are specifically designed to handle broad-head arrows. These arrows have sharp blades on the tip which are used for hunting game. In order to withstand broad-head arrows these targets are extremely tough. They also make fetching target heads a nuisance because they grab the arrow so tightly. On the other end of the spectrum, some targets are so sturdy that low poundage bows will bounce arrows off of the target instead of driving them in to stick. This is dangerous and also bad for your arrows. Targets designed for target heads will be shredded almost immediately by broad-heads. Make a point of checking if a target or bail will work well with your setup.

You do not need a fancy paper target. If the range allows you to use your own targets, print out your own. Additionally, you can take a plain piece of paper (the scrap of an old target works) and draw a circle or „X“ on it with your pen. You only need somewhere to aim, it is not necessary to spend extra money if you do not want to.


Wear a hat or apply sunscreen if you are out in the sun to protect yourself from burns and over-heating. Always bring and drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration and exhaustion. If you have a take-down bow, use a bow-stringer. It is less stressful on your limbs than bending the bow between your legs to remove the bow string. If you are having difficulty removing your arrows from targets (especially foam targets), bring a bar of non-scented, non-lotion bar soap to rub on your arrows between each round. This helps lubricate the arrow and will make taking the arrow from the target easier. Do not soap arrows that are not your property without owner consent.

Never, ever and always:

Never, ever pull back your bowstring and release it without an arrow knocked. You can shatter your bow limbs and send splinters flying at your face. Those are two expensive consequences for something that you never need to do.

Never, ever aim at people, pets, public property, etc. A bow is a weapon, and even if an arrow is not knocked you can make a lot of people angry. It is hard to practice your form if you go to jail, so try not to do anything regrettable.

Never, ever shoot a broken arrow. Even shooting with a missing vein can cause an arrow to do some weird acrobatics mid flight. Do not shoot with a missing tip, a missing knock, a cracked shaft, etc. It is not going to fly the way you want it to and it can be a danger to yourself and others. Make a habit of checking over your arrows every time you fetch them from the target.

Never, ever drink alcohol or consume other chemicals that inhibit your judgment/reaction time before or during a shoot or practice.

Never, ever try to remove an arrow from the target by holding it near the fletching and wiggling it back and forth or around in a circle. This can break or warp your arrow quickly.

Always follow the rules at any range you visit. Listen closely to whoever is calling the line. Safety is paramount and you do not want to be branded as a hazard.

Always verify that the line between you and your target, and especially the line that extends past your target, are clear. If someone or something that really shouldn’t have an arrow sticking out of it is on the range, it is your responsibility to call a hold if people are about to fire. Yes, this includes wildlife unless the animal is in season, you are licensed for the game, the range is located in a legal hunting area, and the range owners have given you explicit permission.

Always store your arrows tip-down in your quiver/arrow holder. Always hold the tips pointed downward when you are walking back to the line with your arrows. You do not need to stab yourself or someone else because you tripped or were not paying attention.

Always make sure your string is in good condition before you shoot – not frayed, properly waxed, etc.

Always make sure your bow limbs are in good condition before you shoot – not cracked, split, loose, or otherwise less than ideal. These limbs have to take a lot of abuse when you shoot and if they are compromised they can become a huge danger to you and those around you.

Always remove an arrow from the target by grasping the shaft as close to the target face as you can and pulling it straight out without tugging up, down, or to either side.

Always remember that archery is fun. If you are having a terrible time, you may as well go do something else and come back when you are in a better mood.

Which eye is dominant?

Unlike other sports which differentiate between a dominant and non-dominant hand, archery is most concerned with your dominant eye. Your dominant eye has no relation to your dominant hand. If you are right handed you can be left eye dominant, and the reverse is also true. In order to check your eye dominance, use this simple test:

Hold up the tip of a pen or other small object on which you can focus your vision. Staring intently at the object, bring it slowly toward your face, making sure that it always stays in the center of your vision. Do not break your gaze from the object and continue bringing it closer until it almost touches your eye. Congratulations, the item is now in front of your dominant eye. If you hit the center of your nose you are not focusing on the object.

If the object moved to your right eye you are „right eye dominant“ and are in the main stream. Most archers are right eye dominant. You will hold the bow with your left hand and draw the string back with your right hand. If the object moved to your left eye you are „left eye dominant“ and will hold the bow with your right and draw back the string with your left. Left-eye dominance is not as common so you may have difficulty begging the use of someone’s bow to try it out, but left-handed and/or universal bows are not difficult to purchase.

The archery form – turning the body into a machine

The key to good shooting is consistency. You will not make consistent shots if you do not have a consistent form. This can be likened to turning your body into a machine. Countless repetitions of your proper form are required to build sufficient muscle memory to have a consistent release. Remember, archery can boil down nicely into a simple ballistics exercise. If you cannot control where you are shooting your accuracy will be only moderately better than coincidental.

Begin by lining the tips of your toes up with an imaginary line that extends perpendicularly from the center of the target. Stand up straight and breathe, you should not be tense. Make sure that your feet are shoulder-width apart and that you are straddling the shooting line with one foot on either side. This gives you a stable stance and keeps you nicely in line with your target.

Place your fingers on the string such that you stabilize the arrow, either with your index finger above the arrow and your middle and ring fingers below, or with all three fingers below the arrow (the knock keeps the arrow in place on the other side). See the comparison between split-finger and three-under shooting at the end of the article. Using your chosen style, hook the string between the first and second joint of your fingers. Make sure that your fingers are curled enough so the string cannot slip out from your grasp as you draw back.

Align the handle of the bow with the base of your thumb and let your knuckles remain at a 45 degree angle to the bow. You may touch your forefinger and thumb together if you wish, but your hand should be relaxed. The pressure generated when pulling back on the string should hold the bow to your hand. If you clench the bow you can ruin your accuracy.

Once your hands are in position, raise your bow hand so it is level with your shoulder. Twist your bow arm so that the elbow is pointed away from the bow. This forces a bend in your arm and keeps you from getting string bites: when the string hits your arm when you release. Pull horizontally with your string hand so that it follows your bow arm and continue to your anchor point. As you draw back the string, use your back muscles. This involves bringing your shoulder blades together as you pull. The use of back muscles, not your arm, is what helps you generate a straight force that will send your arrow where you are aiming. Try to keep your shoulders as low as possible when drawing back the bow.

Anchor points vary from person to person, but typically you should ensure that the arrow lines up with your dominant eye. This allows you to aim down the arrow as a sight. One suggestion is to anchor your index finger below your chin and let the string rest against your nose. If you keep your teeth together this is a consistent anchor. Three-under shooters will have to adjust this position slightly. Try out different positions until you find one that is consistent and comfortable for you to return to repeatedly.

When aiming you generally close your non-dominant eye. This allows you to look straight down the arrow without distraction. You can use the tip of your arrow as a means of sighting your shot. At the start you should try to point directly at the bull’s eye and eventually make adjustments. Adjusting your aim is straightforward; whatever direction your arrow point moves is the direction the impact site will shift.

While you should make a conscious note of your form at the beginning, eventually you should only be focusing on where you are aiming. Everything else should become muscle memory after enough practice. When you are aiming at your target, continue to pull the string back with your back muscles and then refuse to hold the string. If you are focusing only on aiming this release should be a surprise. A proper release will cause your string hand to pull backward toward your ear and the bow to fall forward in your bow hand.

Finally, continue to aim at the center of your target until the arrow lands. This promotes good follow-through and prevents you from falling out of your form before the arrow has cleared the bow.

Looking at your own form

Consider asking a friend to record you while you shoot arrows. You can identify your own problems this way. You can also use these videos as a demonstration of what you are doing off of the range and may be useful for someone trying to help you improve.

When shooting you should be focusing on aiming, but eventually you will know when your shot „feels“ right or „feels“ wrong. If it feels wrong, slowly let down your draw and try again. There is no reason to take a bad shot. If you are in a timed round, you will have to rely on your experience to tell you if it is quicker for you to draw down and re-attempt the shot or to lose the arrow and quickly reload.

Always check to see if you were surprised by the arrow release. If you said „now“ in your head, you were not aiming. If your string hand did not snap backward, you were not aiming. Specifically, if you release the arrow and your hand does not move from its anchor, you had a „dead release“ which really changes your arrow’s flight. Be surprised! It’s good for you and your form!

Precision precedes accuracy – how to hit the bull’s eye.

What is precision? What is accuracy?

Precision is the ability to hit the target in the same location over and over again. If you fire thirty arrows and every single one lands in a three inch circle on the lower right of the target face, you may have a terrible score but you also have great precision. Although often understated, precision is the key to successful shooting. If you do not know where your arrow is going to land then you cannot know how to make a proper correction. Thus, precision must precede accuracy. If you miss the center ring all day but your arrows have punched a hole out of the side of the target, you have had a successful shoot.

Accuracy is the ability to shoot at a specific target. If you aim at the center of the target and hit it, you are very accurate. However, if you shoot ten arrows and one hits the center of the target, you are lucky. True accuracy requires a strong foundation of precision. Once your form has developed enough to strike the same area of the target, it is comparatively little effort to move that group onto the center of the bail. Accuracy is the shiny trophy you get for a lot of hard training.

Becoming precisely accurate.

Always aim at the same spot on your target. Always. Even if you think you are shooting too low or off to the right, always aim at that same spot. If you aim at the same spot and your arrows are not landing consistently (they are scattered on the target), moving your aiming spot is not going to help you at all.

Once your arrows begin landing in a tight „group“ you can make one adjustment: either up/down or left/right. Depending on your patience, a „reasonable“ group would be about a 3 inch radius at your maximum shooting range (more on that later). Shoot using this new aiming spot and make sure your entire group has moved accordingly but has not become more spread out. Once you are 100% sure where all of your arrows are landing, make one more adjustment up/down or left/right. Continue until your group falls across the center of the bull’s eye. This takes a lot of time, a lot of patience, and a lot of resolve, but it has a huge payoff.

Shoot as far as you can as often as you can.

Do not ignore your short distance shooting, but when trying to become more precise and accurate try to shoot at least 10 yards/meters past the maximum distance you expect to shoot. If your tournaments never push past 40 yards/meters, practice at 50+ yards/meters.

As distance between you and the target increases the more dramatic small imperfections in your form will become. A three-inch group at 20 yards can become a 12-inch group at 50 yards. This is partly due to the increased contribution of small angles at longer distances, so seemingly minor shifts in one direction at 20 yards are magnified at 50 yards. There are also environmental factors affecting the arrow but that is more difficult to predict/control. If you can shoot a three inch group at 50 yards/meters you will find yourself hitting your own arrows at 20 yards/meters because your muscle memory is more fine-tuned from the training.

Stop while you are ahead

If you are tired, stop shooting. There is no reason to develop bad habits during exhaustion that will take multiple shooting sessions to shake off. Avoid bad habits and just put the bow down. Your strength and endurance training happens off of the range where you cannot damage your form. More discussion on this training is discussed later in the article.

Never adjust your aim until you are shooting consistent, tight groups. Remember, shooting a tight group is the hard part. Making a fine-tuned adjustment to hit the center is easy. Do not complicate matters by feverishly adjusting your aim each time you fire an arrow. A good group is worth more than hitting the center of the target. Do not fall into the trap of trying to compete with someone next to you on the range (unless it is a tournament). Just keep working on your own form and the points will come pouring in.

Improving your shot off of the range


There are numerous training plans available to improve your upper body and shooting muscles. Pushups are great for your upper body and I highly recommend them. Check out „100 pushups“ in your search bar for a great personal plan. Pull-ups are also pretty amazing for your upper body; the 100 pushups website also has a link to a pullup plan. Furthermore, many archery training tools are available, either as finished products or as a „make your own“ instructional guide. Consider these items instead of possibly damaging your bow. Finally, general fitness and cardiovascular health is always good. Jogging, swimming, and other cross-training keeps you in shape and mixes it up a bit. Remember to please consult a physician before beginning any new diet or workout.

Improving your release.

Practice picking up a closed paint bucket by the handle with your fingers. Pretend you are drawing back an arrow. Now practice refusing to hold the bucket. The handle should slip out of your fingers cleanly, without catching on anything. Continue to work with the bucket when you are not on the range to develop a clean release. Your release can be a huge source of inconsistency when you shoot so this is a great way to get in some extra practice without the range fees.

Split fingers or three under?

Split finger shooting is the more common and „natural“ position of your fingers on the bowstring. You position your index finger on top of the knock and your middle and ring fingers beneath the arrow. This is the preferred finger arrangement for a number of archers and is touted as the better choice for long distance (80+ yards) and trick shooting. The reasoning is that you have slightly more control over your arrow, and your arrow naturally has more of an upward angle which increases travel distance. Basically, because your fingers are positioned above and around the arrow, the arrow actually has a higher degree of separation from „true horizontal“ compared to three-under shooting. The big disadvantage of shooting split finger comes from the fact that your index finger is separated from your middle and ring fingers. When separated your fingers are harder to control as a group, meaning you may release your string with your bottom two fingers but „pluck“ the string with your index finger, or vice versa. The learning curve to correct this issue can be steep for some shooters. Additionally, because you are „pinching“ the arrow between your fingers, you have a higher likelihood of catching the arrow with your fingers or with your finger protection when you release, which can also change your arrow’s flight.

Three under shooting is the placement of your index, middle, and ring fingers beneath the arrow. The top of the arrow is supported by the knock attached to your bowstring. This is a less common approach to shooting but offers a different shooting experience. Some may find this finger position to be unnatural, but this is not always the case. Some experience little or no learning curve using this method and you handily avoid the problems of pinching the arrow or plucking the string, which you must deal with if you use the split-finger approach. You do lose out on range: all of your fingers are below the arrow so if you used the same anchor as a split-finger style your arrow would have less of an angle. This does not affect flight directly, but it does affect „shooting the gap“ at long distances because you will have to raise your bow higher than a split-finger shooter to reach the same target. For those shooting short to medium ranges, the difference is fairly minimal. You mainly have to concern yourself with making sure that you are distributing pressure equally on the bowstring when drawing back, i.e. not pulling the string mainly with your ring finger, which causes an unequal load on the bow limbs and may harm your equipment/accuracy.

Try the two styles out and see which one works for you. You can become proficient and even excel using either method. The split finger arrangement is the more traditional choice.

What should I look for in an archery range?

There are many factors that can affect your taste in an archery range. You can ask some questions to see if a range is good for you.

Does the range attract only hunters, target shooters, or both? Does it have indoor and/or outdoor ranges for various distances? Are the bails appropriate for what I want to shoot? Does the range have a store/workshop or is it only targets? Does the range have knowledgeable staff? Do they know about traditional archery? Do they know about modern archery? Is the shop equipped to handle repairs that may apply specifically to your bow/arrows? Is the shop able to order special items for you if requested? Are classes held at the range? How crowded is the range during various hunting seasons? Are the range fees affordable?

Can I make my own archery range?

This depends on your local laws and regulations. Firing weapons inside of city limits is globally a bad ideal and this includes bows. You should check your local laws before attempting to set up a target in your own backyard. In general you will need a large plot of private land with a back-stop to prevent arrows from leaving the designated „range area“. Local regulations will provide the specifics. If you live in a highly populated area like a city you will likely have no luck getting a range approved. If you have empty acreage with no visitors, it is more likely to be an option.


Source by Gary J Russo

Geothermal HVAC Unit


Geothermal technology is rapidly replacing inefficient, outdated heating and cooling systems and improving the quality of temperature control while reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. Government agencies have endorsed geothermal heat pump systems as the most energy efficient, environmentally clean, and cost effective systems for heating and cooling homes. They are the future of climate control and the solution to our energy crisis.

The first ground source heat pump was installed in 1948 as an experiment by Professor Carl Nielson. People quickly realized what a promising energy alternative it would be and began improving and producing the equipment. Modern heat pump systems last much longer, require less maintenance, and are four times more efficient than traditional air-source heat pumps. Today there are well over a million geothermal heat pumps installed worldwide and an additional 80,000 units are installed in the USA each year.

Geothermal heat pumps are exceptionally good for the environment and extremely safe. These systems do not have on-site emissions or flammable materials. By eliminating any combustion you do not have to worry about fumes, odors, or carbon monoxide in your home. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, if just 100,000 homes converted to a geothermal heating and cooling system, carbon dioxide emissions could be reduced by 880 million pounds. Currently, atmospheric CO2 is 30% higher than it was 200 years ago and if not reduced can cause serious detrimental global impacts. Geothermal technology offers a wonderful solution to lowering these greenhouse gases.

As an incentive to install these environmentally-friendly units the government is offering a 30% tax credit based on the installed price of a geothermal heat pump unit that meets or exceeds Energy Star requirements. Although these systems are initially more expensive, this credit offers a tremendous discount and homeowners can expect a significant decrease in their energy bills. Customers often report they receive a full payback on their investment in three to five years.

When you consider the durability, comfort, cleanliness, and energy savings it is obvious why the government has endorsed them as the best systems for temperature control!


Source by Glenn Egg

Choosing the Right Company For Heating and Air Conditioning Systems Repair


When your air conditioner or furnace breaks down, your home immediately goes from being a comfortable environment to being too hot or too cold. As a result, many people open the phone book and call an HVAC repair company without performing some essential research that can determine whether or not their heating or cooling situation will be responded to in the proper manner. While each domestic heating and air conditioning repair service will offer to address your problem, choosing a service that will address it in the optimal fashion requires the following considerations.

Does a Service Specialize in Repairs?

While all heating and cooling companies will be able to diagnose your problem, you want to ensure that a company specializes in heating and air conditioning systems repair. Although most HVAC specialists offer heating and air conditioning systems repair, some companies earn the majority of their profits from replacing faulty heating and cooling elements, which could mean their first inclination is replacing your air conditioner or furnace instead of repairing it. Considering the significant price of replacing heating and cooling systems, the primary focus should be on evaluating whether you’re furnace or air conditioner isn’t suffering from a bad part or a system of parts that appear poised for more beak downs.

The Quality of a Service’s Technicians

When you read about tips for hiring the best HVAC repair technicians, you’ll encounter a myriad of cautions that range from being obviously sensible to bizarrely personal, such as the idea that you should determine whether or not a technician is an alcoholic. But unless you feel like hiring a private investigator, the best way to hire a quality HVAC technician is to make sure that he or she is licensed, bonded and insured and possesses NATE certification. Technicians that are licensed, bonded and insured display that they passed an HVAC certification test and are covered by insurance in the event that damage occurs to your person or property as a result of HVAC work. NATE certification shows that a technician possesses up to date knowledge of best HVAC practices.

Time Sensitive Service Agreements

Depending on your air conditioner or furnace’s repair issue, a technician may not be able to repair it on the same day that the problem is diagnosed, in which case you should insist on a time sensitive agreement before making payments. A time sensitive service agreement should state that, unless the repair is completed by a certain date, you are absolved of the responsibility to pay for the project, regardless of its completion status. Most air conditioning service providers complete repairs on time even without a time sensitive agreement. But there are also cases of HVAC companies taking weeks or even months longer to fix a problem than anticipated, which is something that you can’t afford in the heat of summer or coldness of winter.


Source by Brian Figlioli

Electric Radiant Heat – Low Cost House Warming


We as consumers dream up all kinds of ways to upgrade our homes. From stain-proof carpet, to solar panels for decreased energy bills; we are always looking for something that improves our standard of living, and hopefully, reduces our standard of spending.

Radiant Heat is one of these upgrades. It is a luxury you won’t think about, but you’ll miss if it’s not there. When most people think of radiant heat, „Warm Floors“ typically come to mind. Radiant heat, however, does a whole lot more that warm floors.

Radiant Heat is capable of heating an entire house, and is far more comfortable and efficient than forced air or convection heating.

In space-heating, occupants feel more comfortable even when the space air temperature is maintained lower than typical forced air heating. Radiant heat results in less heat-loss from a room. Forced air registers and baseboard heat strips are always located on outside walls between windows. These systems heat air that comes in contact with the external windows and walls to temperatures much higher than the desired room temperature. This results in more heat-loss from the space. Heatizon System’s products provide a uniform heat flux from the floor into the space, resulting in less heat-loss from the room.

Mass Warming results in less temperature variations in the space being heated. The flooring material is heated by the element which then radiates the heat into the space. The floor surface can be maintained at a very uniform temperature which prevents the hot and cold temperature swings that occur as other systems cycle on and off. Warming the mass of the floor results in what is called thermal capacitance. This allows the space to remain warm even when extreme temperatures occur. Essentially, heat energy is stored in the mass of the floor and other objects in the space. This applies to any type of floor–wood, concrete, tile, etc.

Efficiency levels of Heatizon Systems are excellent. When compared with a heat pump, forced-air furnace or baseboard heating system, Heatizon Systems low-voltage products are more efficient watt for watt. An article in the July, 1996 ASHRAE Journal, „Radiant Heating for Thermal Comfort“ reported on experimental results comparing a heat pump, baseboard heat and radiant heat. The radiant heating system consumed 33% less energy than the heat pump system and 52% less energy than the baseboard system.

Reliability of Heatizon Systems are superior. The entire system is solid-state, has no moving parts to wear out, and has nothing that requires routine maintenance. There are no water lines to break or crack. Our products have been satisfying the needs of hundreds of customers since 1979. Both z-mesh and Tuff Cable are easy to repair in the event they get cut or damaged. The controls allow for power failures or spikes, yet brings the system back on-line as quickly as possible.

Comfort of radiant heat is superior because the radiant heat flux is uniform throughout the heated space. There are no „point-source“ hot spots like there are in baseboard and forced air systems. Thermal comfort is sustained as the system cycles on and off, because the heated mass temperature remains almost constant.

Convenience of installation is superior to any other system. There is no ducting to deal with, no lost floor or wall space. Other than a thermostat, Heatizon Systems products are out of sight. Retrofitting is easy. Adding the system to an existing space is much easier than installing a hydronic or high voltage system.

Safety is a major advantage of the Heatizon System. Heatizon Systems products are ETL listed to UL standards 1673,1693, and 1561.

Quiet and clean. The Heatizon System produces no more noise than a light fixture. There is no fan starting and stopping, no filter to change or clean, no valves to wear out, and no pipes to rattle.

Life-Cycle Costs are less, especially when heating exterior concrete surfaces. The cost to replace a driveway, sidewalk or patio is many times the cost of the Heatizon Systems products.

visit for more information about Radiant Heat.


Source by Dan Davidson

Gas Ventless Heaters – Advantages and Types


Gas ventless heaters are designed to use natural gas or propane in the least amount possible. Some models use no electricity at all. The specialty of these heaters is that they do not let an iota of heat out of the room. They use oxygen from the room itself for combustion. As a result, the heaters boast of a high room heating efficiency and less power bill. That is, perhaps, the reason why they have become the preferred choice of people. With 99.7 percent efficiency, they have the potential to topple other heaters in the market soon.

3 Types Of Gas Ventless Heaters

* Radiant Heaters – work best for warehouses, storerooms, garages, and other large spaces. They use infrared waves to produce heat. Although the concept of ventless gas heaters may sound new, radiant heating system is the oldest system and forms the basis of all other systems of heating.

* Blue Flame Heaters – functioning is similar to that of the central heating system. As the name suggests, they emit blue flame, which comes from the usage of propane of natural gas. There are efficient and are easily available.

* Gas Logs – generate hot flames that perform combustion of fuel completely. This reduces carbon monoxide levels as well as soot produced by other heaters.

Working Of Gas Ventless Heaters

Ventless heaters feature special burners that are completely exposed. These burners are placed behind, and beneath the logs. The unit is designed in such a way that enough air reaches the burners to start the combustion of natural gas. This process generates less carbon monoxide. The gas logs are easy to install and are a good source of supplemental heat. They are better than air ducts and are easier than radiators to maintain.

Combustion, whether of wood or gas, needs the presence of oxygen to produce flames. Therefore, no fire on earth can be completely „ventless“, or it would get extinguished. However, ventless fireplaces use zero-opening technology or chimneyless mechanism, which enables the entire heat to spread in the room. This heats your room in less time and with using less energy.

Advantages Of Gas Ventless Heaters

* They are eco-friendly since they use natural gas.

* They are cheaper than traditional heating systems and wood fireplaces.

* They do not require external ducts for chimney.

* They use no battery or electric power.

* There is an oxygen depletion sensor pilot fitted in these heaters, which shuts off before the oxygen in the room plummets below the safety level.

* They come in a variety of styles and colors that can add to your room décor.

Because of their ductless technology, these heaters are great when there is a power shortage or if you wish to save on your power bills. Although, some people are skeptical about the absence of vents, the heaters have proved themselves to be a great solution for saving energy and the environment.

The portable quality of gas ventless heaters makes them more desirable. You can shift them around the house. Unlike fireplaces that get permanently installed at one place, you can move these heaters as per your convenience. This is one technology that you need to try to experience for complete warmth during the freezing months.


Source by Karinni Kenneei

Cell Phone Towers and Mobile Phone Masts – Beacons of Harm


Is it a cactus? A palm tree? A water tower? No! It’s a cell phone tower! That’s right! Cell phone towers today are being disguised in subtle ways unheard of just a few years ago. See a grain silo? Or a church steeple? You guessed it. It could very well be a cell phone tower. There’s even a cell phone tower that looks just like a lighthouse…never mind that it’s over two miles from the ocean.

But don’t let the pretty and ingenious disguises fool you. There is a real and present danger lurking behind the mask of these innocent designs.

Why the disguises? Obviously, for aesthetic reasons. The cell phone companies don’t want to make their neighborhood friends upset. They want to blend in. So they blend in while they blast your home and neighborhood with toxic electromagnetic radiation.

Cell phone towers, sometimes called masts, or mobile phone towers, weren’t an issue years ago when they were few and far between. One could often drive miles and miles through the countryside and never see one. They were few in number and were only found in obscure locations and seen only on an occasional hilltop. Today cell phone towers have increased dramatically in number. There are now more than 1.9 million cell phone towers and antenna towers spread throughout the U.S. They are now found on churches, schools and firehouses as well as being seen on the rooftop of buildings everywhere. Did you know there is even a cell phone tower near Old Faithful in Yellowstone Park? Can’t sleep well at night? It may be that there’s a cell phone tower close by.

Just why would a mobile phone tower be placed on a church, school or firehouse? Why would school boards and churches agree to this? Money. It’s that simple. The mobile phone companies will pay these organizations, and individual property owners, handsomely to install their equipment on their properties. This „rent money“ can range from a few hundred dollars a month to several thousand dollars a month. What school district or church couldn’t use extra money to aid a struggling budget? By „renting“ the space on an already-constructed building the cell phone industry doesn’t have to purchase land, build a tower or construct a new building. It simply mounts its equipment on a structure that already exists. It’s a win-win deal for the cell phone company and the new ‚landlord.‘

Opposition to these cell tower installments used to gone unnoticed and without question. Not so today. Neighborhoods and citizens are becoming vocally opposed. But it’s not the esthetics that causes residents and property owners to oppose these structures. Communities and citizens are afraid of the potential health effects being caused by this technology as well as the adverse affect on property values.

We Can’t Stop Cell Phone Tower Construction

Unfortunately, there isn’t much one can do to stop the proliferation and continued build out of cell phone towers and structures. Although thought to be legislation about deregulation issues, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (TCA) was really an open invitation for the cell phone industry to place their towers anywhere they wanted. Section 704 of the TCA basically states that local authorities can’t ban the placement of towers in their jurisdictions. The law says: „No State or local government or instrumentality thereof may regulate the placement, construction, and modification of personal wireless service facilities on the basis of the environmental effects of radio frequency emissions to the extent that such facilities comply with the Commission’s regulations concerning such emissions.“ So legally the local government can’t refuse the construction of a cell phone tower in your neighborhood! Any challenge by local communities could easily end up in federal court. Our lawmakers have basically given the cell phone industry free reign to install these towers wherever they want. And, by the way, the cell phone industry helped write this legislation that our government officials passed as law! The public, therefore, now has no voice and no vote. Is there something wrong with this picture? Why didn’t our public officials represent the people instead of big business? Why would you let the very industry you’re trying to regulate write it’s own laws?

Does the income outweigh the potential risks? It appears not. Scores of studies and well-respected research have exposed alarming health effects from various forms of cancer to stress. Many experts today are predicting an epidemic in brain cancer soon.

Representatives from the industry are quick to point out the microwaves emitted by cell phone towers are well below federal standards. And indeed they may be. At least on paper. Most towers operate at a power output of 100 watts. However, this isn’t the total wattage of the tower. What they aren’t telling you is that 100 watts is the power per channel. Since one tower may have dozens of channels you can see that the power output could be highly excessive and well beyond 100 watts. It’s a technical loophole. And, of course, who is monitoring the power output from these towers after they are erected? The FCC certainly isn’t. It doesn’t have the manpower or money to properly regulate the millions of towers and antennas now online. And who is to prevent these companies from turning up the wattage when no one is around? Some have reported that many of these towers have already shown power outputs in the 900 to 1000 watt range.

You Can’t Escape The Radiation. It’s Everywhere.

We simply can’t escape the exposure to this radiation. It’s everywhere. There are so many people using cell phones and wireless connections today that you don’t even have to own a cell phone to be exposed. You’re just as exposed as everyone else. Every time someone makes a call from a mobile phone the signal is sent to a cell phone tower. There are so many calls being made by everyone all around us and now there are so many mobile phone towers in operation, that all of us are caught in the crossfire. It’s like second-hand smoke from cigarettes, except that we can’t get away from it. There simply isn’t anywhere to escape.

How Mobile Phone Towers Work

Cell phone towers emit signals in a „flower petal“ pattern around the tower. This 360-degree radius around the tower is called a „cell“ and this is what the term „cell“ in cell phone means. When your phone is in a „cell“ you get good reception and when it isn’t in a?“cell“ you get poor reception. So, for a cell phone company to provide complete coverage cell phone towers and antenna towers must be positioned all across the country so that the „cells“ overlap. You can begin to see what a huge infrastructure needs to be created to provide complete cell phone coverage. That’s why cell phone towers and antenna towers are so prevalent. Furthermore, that’s why these antennas are installed in so many places like rooftops, fire stations, schools and churches. This is what is necessary for complete coverage.

Studies Show Adverse Health Effects From Cell Phone Towers

If you aren’t sure that cell phone towers and masts are harmful the following study summaries should convince you. Below are listed six studies that have shown significant adverse health effects on people living near cell phone towers. According to Dr. Grahame Blackwell „these are the only studies known that specifically consider the effects of masts on people. All six studies show clear and significant ill-health effects. There are no known studies relating to health effects of masts that do not show such ill-health effects.“

  • Santini et al. found significant health problems in people living within 300 meters of a cell phone base station or tower. The recommendation was made from the study that cell phone base stations should not be placed closer than 300 meters to populated areas. Pathol Biol (Paris) 2002; 50: 369-373.
  • A Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research study entitled, „Effects of Global Communications System Radio-Frequency Fields On Well Being and Cognitive Function of Human Subjects With and Without Subjective Complaints“ found significant effects on well being including headaches, muscle fatigue, pain, and dizziness from tower emissions well below the „safety“ level.
  • Gerd, Enrique, Manuel, Ceferino and Claludio conducted a Spanish study called „The Microwave Syndrome“ and found adverse health effects from those living near two cell phone base stations. The health effects included fatigue, a tendency toward depression, sleeping disorders, difficulty in concentration and cardiovascular problems.
  • From an Israeli study published in the International Journal of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 1, No. 2, April 2004, Wolf and Wolf reported a fourfold increase in the incidence of cancer in people living within 350 meters of a cell phone tower as compared to the Israeli general population. They also reported a tenfold increase specifically among women.
  • In the Naila Study from Germany, November 2004, five medical doctors collaborated to assess the risk to people living near a cell phone tower. The retrospective study was taken from patient case histories between 1994 and 2004 from those who had lived during the past ten years at a distance up to 400 meters from the tower site. The results showed that the proportion of newly developed cancer cases was significantly higher in those patients living within the 400-meter distance and that the patients became ill on average eight years earlier. In the years 1999 to 2004, after five years of operation of the transmitting tower, the relative risk of getting cancer had trebled for residents of the area in the proximity of the installation compared to the inhabitants of Naila outside the area.
  • An Austrian Study released in May 2005, showed that radiation from a cell phone tower at a distance of 80 meters causes significant changes of the electrical currents in the brains of test subjects. All test subjects indicated they felt unwell during the radiation and some reported being seriously ill. According to the scientists doing the study, this is the first worldwide proof of significant changes of the electrical currents in the brain, as measured by EEG, by a cell phone base station at a distance of 80 meters. Subjects reported symptoms such as buzzing in the head, tinnitus, palpitations of the heart, lightheadedness, anxiety, shortness of breath, nervousness, agitation, headache, heat sensation and depression. According to scientists this is the first proof that electrical circuits in the brain are significantly affected by a cell phone tower. The distance in this study was a mere 80 meters.

Two-time Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Gerald Hyland, a physicist, had this to say about mobile phone towers. „Existing safety guidelines for cell phone towers are completely inadequate. Quite justifiably, the public remains skeptical of attempts by governments and industry to reassure them that all is well, particularly given the unethical way in which they often operate symbiotically so as to promote their own vested interests.“

Dr. Bruce Hocking did a study in Syndey, Australia, of children living near TV and FM broadcast towers, which by the way, are very similar to cell phone towers. He found that these children had more than twice the rate of leukemia as children living more than seven miles away from these towers.

Results in yet another recent study conducted on inhabitants living near or under a mobile phone base station antenna yielded the following prevalence of neuropsychiatric complaints: headache (23.5%), memory changes (28.2%), dizziness (18.8%), tremors (9.4%), depressive symptoms (21.7%), and sleep disturbances(23.5%). In this study the participants were given a neurobehavioral test battery measuring such things as problem solving, visuomotor speed, attention andmemory. Symptoms of exposed inhabitants were significantly higher than control groups.

Furthermore, Europe’s top environmental watchdog group, European Environment Agency (EEA), is calling for immediate action to reduce exposure to mobile phone masts. EEA suggests action to reduce exposure immediately to vulnerable groups such as children.

The development of brain tumors in staff members working in a building in Melbourne, Australia, prompted the closing of the top floors of the building. The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology is housed in the building. Seven staff members were diagnosed with brain tumors and five of the seven worked on the top floor. A cell phone antenna is located on the roof of the building.

The Orange phone company in England is being forced to remove its mast tower on a building in Bristol, England. The removal is a result of a five-year effort by residents and local authorities to have the mast removed. Cancer rates in the building, which has become known internationally as the „Tower of Doom,“ have soared to ten times the national average for the 110 residents living there. The two masts sitting on the roof, one owned by Orange and the other by Vodafone, were installed in 1994. Vodafone has refused the remove its mast.

Cell Phone Towers Affect Animals

Animals aren’t exempt from exposure the cell phone tower radiation either. One veterinary school in Hanover, Germany, reports that dairy cows kept in close proximity to a cell phone tower for two years had a reduction in milk production in addition to other health problems including abnormal behavior patterns.

Firefighters Vote To Suspend Cell Tower Construction On Fire Stations

Concerned about the effect that masts have on the nation’s firefighters, The International Association of Fire Fighters voted in 2004 to voice its opposition to cell phone towers and antennas being place on and around fire stations. They want proof first that there isn’t a safety issue and have asked for a moratorium on further construction and placement of any more towers or antennas on or around firehouses until such a study can be conducted.

What Are These Antennas Doing To Our Kids While They’re In School?’t worth the risk. They should not be subjected to microwave radiation when science has proven there could clearly be devastating effects as outlined in the previously mentioned studies. School boards and parent organizations need to be aware of the inherent dangers from such an exposure. It’s been clearly shown that microwave radiation penetrates the head of a child much easier than that of an adult. This is due to the thinner and softer bones in the head of child. Skull bones don’t fully harden until about age 22.

How Many Cell Phone Towers Are Near You?

The average person lives within one-half mile of a cell phone tower. Have you ever wondered how close you live or work to one of these towers? Would it bother you if one were right in your backyard? How many of these towers and antennas do you think there are in your immediate area? Find out by visiting the website Simply type in your address and you’ll get a listing and a map of all the towers and antennas within a short radius of your address. Like most people you’ll probably gasp when you see the numbers. These towers are literally everywhere. Hundreds and hundreds of them are probably located within a few miles of your home or office.

Watch The Signal Bars On Your Cell Phone

The signal bars on your cell phone tell you how strong the signal is that are connecting to your cell phone. In other words, the closer you are to a cell phone tower the stronger the signal. The stronger the signal the less power your phone has to use to maintain the connection. A strong signal is indicated by a full set of „bars“ showing on your cell phone display. Fewer bars mean a weaker signal. A weaker signal means the cell phone has to work harder to maintain the signal. Consequently, more power is needed to maintain the connection. The more power needed the greater the amount of radiation produced by your phone and the greater exposure to you. So always try to talk in outdoors or in an open space. This allows an easier connection from your cell phone to the nearest cell phone tower. Your phone won’t have to work as hard and less power is used to maintain the signal, which translates, to less radiation exposure for you.

What Can We Do?

Obviously, can’t escape the exposure. We’ve established that fact. So what can we do to minimize the damage?

Here are few ideas: We need to limit our exposure any way possible. Don’t live near a cell phone tower if you have a choice. Don’t buy a home near one even if the price is right. Limit your use of wireless devices. Go back to ‚wired‘ connections whenever possible. Maximize your health through proper nutrition and good hydration. Eat foods high in antioxidants and take supplements. Eat organically as much as possible. There is no safe distance to locate away from a mast tower. Obviously, the closer to the tower the greater the exposure risk so do locate as far away as possible. Whenever possible encourage your local government officials to consider transitioning to the use of fiber optic cable. Most of it has already been laid underground. It’s just not being used. There are no masts with fiber optics and the small amount of radiation at the exits can be neutralized with technology now available. Discourage the use of Wi-Fi in schools by meeting with your school officials and school boards. Wi-Fi hotspots are popping up everywhere now. Even whole cities are going wireless with the installation of Wi-Fi. Again, it’s all done through a wireless signal, which is damaging to your health. Don’t let cell phone companies install cell phone antennas on the roofs of schools where your children attend. The radio waves are disruptive to their ability to focus, not to mention the health hazards we’ve already outlined. If you can’t change your current situation there is some hope. There are some intervention devices now available that you can use in your home, school and office to help lessen the risk of exposure. Some very good cutting-edge technology has been developed that will intervene and help mitigate the damage being done by wireless connections.

If you’d like to discuss those options feel free to get in touch with me.


Source by Lynn Quiring

A Look at Four Different Types of Hobs Cooktops


There are four main types of hob that you can have for your kitchen and these are the gas, electric, ceramic and induction. Each of these hob types has their advantages and drawbacks, which are worth knowing before you go out shopping.

Of all the cooktops, induction hobs boast the most technological advancements and are known to have the highest performance capabilities. These hobs employ a very particular cooking method which makes for substantial speed and exactness.

Induction hobs feature field system windings under each heat source and the required warmth is only streamed to the exact dimensions of a cooking pot’s metallic surface. These cooktops only work with pot materials that can adapt to their ferromagnetic fields e.g. those made from cast iron, iron, or those fitted with ferromagnetic discs. Cooking pots made of glass, aluminium, or copper, can therefore not work with these hobs. Raising or lowering cooking temperatures is more instantaneous and precise, even much more than in gas hobs; in one second you can literally go from low simmer to intense warmth.

These cooktops make for greater cooking security in that chances of burning yourself are virtually impossible, and in the event of spills or overheating most of these hobs will engage their locks and stopping systems automatically. Heat generation is automatically cut immediately a pot is lifted off the burner. Induction hobs make for easy cleaning since liquids or foods can’t encrust on the surface – sponge cleaning them daily should suffice.

Pyroceram hobs have plaque elements that feature radiant or halogen sources which produce cooking heat through beaming and the production of consecutive impulses respectively, with the latter being more powerful. Compared to other hobs, their cooking performance is inferior to that achievable with induction or gas hobs, but superior to that of electric hobs. Ceramic hobs fitted with halogen sources achieve higher temperatures much faster and are therefore best placed for food simmering; you however have to bear in mind that they take a long time to cool down completely.

Most of these hobs models are fitted with heat safety systems for your protection. They feature an automatic function that turns off the hob after a few hours just in case you forget to do so yourself. Also present is a residual warmth indicator to show you that the surface is still hot, and an overheating system that limits the hob’s temperature to 30°C. Cleaning these hobs is also easy – sponging them clean is often enough.

Electric hobs have cast iron surfaces that make for great cooking solidity but inconvenient delays in heating and cooling courtesy of this type of metal’s slow conductivity. For this reason, electric hobs are considered as the least appropriate heat sources for elaborate cooking and speed. These cooktops neither feature timers nor security systems in the event of spills or overheating. Cleaning them can be quite troublesome in case of encrusted food spills – intense scrubbing is the only recourse in such cases.

Gas hobs are a kitchen favourite thanks to their high-performance and easy-to-use capabilities. Modern models feature integrated lighting control to make cooking easier, and other controls that alter cooking temperatures instantly, thus facilitating elaborate cooking through easy temperature variations. A timer may also be present and this cuts out the gas supply after a programmed cooking time elapses.

Most gas hobs are fitted with a thermocouple security system that stops gas flow when a flame is extinguished; this is essential for ensuring safety and security of the environment for the building in which the cooker is situated.

A disadvantage is that cleaning them can be quite laborious as it involves working on the grills, plate bottoms and the burners. The use of a strong but appropriate cleaning product will assist in dealing with baked on food residue.


Source by Jim M Cook